My journey

Discovering the benefits of yoga
In 1999 I took my first Iyengar yoga class while working as a project manager for a digital agency in Kings Cross, London. It changed the way I felt about living in my body. It brought me out of my head into physical awareness.
I experienced health benefits that were truly lacking and I became ever more sensitive and connected to my physical form and breath; I began on a journey to understand the role of the mind within my being.

Qualified Iyengar yoga teacher
Teaching yoga outdoors
I enrolled on the Iyengar yoga teacher training course and in 2004 qualified as an Introductory teacher. Since then I have upgraded my certification achieving Junior Intermediate 2 in 2015 and Level 2 in 2020.
Through my practice, I find ways to bring ease and comfort to my mind, body, and breath so I can live a grounded and present life.
This is a work-in-progress, I continue to be open to learning, practice and seeking deeper truth, unraveling layers of understanding.
Raised in Cumbria in the Lake District my love of the outdoors is a very close equal to my affinity for yoga. Both create a sense of belonging and peacefulness. It is the foundation of my work as a Forest School Leader and the inspiration for teaching yoga outdoors.
Iyengar yoga
B. K. S. Iyengar (1918 – 2014) was one of the world’s leading teachers of yoga, the author of numerous bestselling books including Light on Yoga which is globally recognised as the ‘bible’ of yoga – a classic text for any student of yoga.
He was one of the first yoga teachers to bring yoga to the west, overcoming the challenges of communicating his teachings to a culture far different from his own.
He taught cultural icons and world leaders, established a teaching methodology that has been adopted by thousands of teachers worldwide, and brought yoga to many more individuals practicing yoga in studios and their own homes. Iyengar yoga is taught in over 1,800 centres worldwide, in 40 countries.
Iyengar Yoga (UK) holds one of the largest memberships in the world and facilitates the UK Iyengar yoga teacher training program. This is a rigorous and thorough system of training requiring an immense commitment of the trainee to their own personal practice, inquiry and
The heart of Iyengar yoga is in Pune, India at the Ramamani Memorial Iyengar Yoga Institute (RIMIYI). Since his death in 2014 B.K. S Iyengar’s family continues to live and teach from there – sharing their extensive yoga knowledge with a worldwide community.